Life's short...
Rabeh Hawi was a MBA graduate from last year promotion. 'was' because he died a couple of weeks ago from a heart attack. This news shacked a lot of us. Not just because we had the chance to know him and that he was a fantastic person but also because we all know how hard it is to get the mba and how tough is one year of mba. Dying less than one year later is not something we have in mind in our career plans eventhough it can happen to each of us anytime.
The death of Rabeh reminded me that I should enjoy life everyday and not wait the end of my mba, which I already did actually but it is good to really act in that way and not feel guilty about having fun and enjoying the moments we share with the great people I met during my year in Montreal. On this sad note, 'Carpe Diem'!
Hi. Rabeh was One of my best friends. It is because of him i am in HEC right now doing an intensive MBA(2004-2005). I would just like to remember him for his beautiful personality and kind-heartedness. I miss you Rabeh.
God rest your soul.
25 October 2004 at 22:45
Yes I only met Rabeh shortly at HEC and he sounded like a great guy to know. Extremelly friendly! It's great, you're at HEC because of him. Good luck with your studie!
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